The Complete Guide for Midwives Brew to Induce Labor Naturally Brew Work? [Pro Tips]

The Complete Guide for Midwives Brew to Induce Labor Naturally Brew Work? [Pro Tips]

Midwives Brew: For weeks now, you've been counting the days. Although you've marked your due date on the calendar, it seems far away. It's got to the point that labor is no longer a thought compared with the possibility of becoming pregnant in a few days. You are ready to welcome your baby into your arms.

With the end in sight of pregnancy, it is tempting to trigger labor. The midwives brew is a special drink that can induce labor. Your baby is your number one priority. It's only natural that you want to find out the ingredients and whether it's safe. We have you covered. Let's take a closer look.

What's the deal?

There are many ways to make midwives brew, but the most common is to use a combination of these: Castor oil

Use the midwives brew, or something similar, only with the permission of your medical provider. (We can't stress this enough), before you make or consume this brew, please check with your OB. They might be able to approve or suggest a specific recipe.

It's not a common practice, but many midwives aren't familiar with the concept. You might be sharing the recipe with your healthcare provider.

Don't forget to keep in mind that women love this drink!

Is it secure?

Let's now look at the individual ingredients. This will help us to assess the safety of midwives who make the brew. Note that castor oils are likely to be labor-inducing ingredients. The others are there primarily to mask the taste.

Castor oil

Castor oil's most popular use is as a laxative. Castor oil can cause minor spasms within the intestines. Castor oil can also cause spasming within the uterine muscles. This can cause contractions and even induce labor.

Castor oil consumption can also lead to severe diarrhea and nausea. It's simply unpleasant. Castor oil may cause dehydration. Castor oil could cause severe or persistent contractions. This can cause the baby and mom to feel exhausted or put additional stress. Castor oil shouldn't be used during pregnancy. A final note: Castor Oil should never be consumed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Lemon verbena oil

There aren't many studies on lemon verbena olive oil during pregnancy and labor. Discuss the possibility with your doctor.

Almond butter

This ingredient should be avoided if you have a nut allergy. However, it is generally safe for other people. A substitute nut butter may be available if you are allergic to almonds. You can talk to your doctor, midwife, or pharmacist about substituting another ingredient.

Apricot juice

Apricot juice has a high amount of vitamins, minerals. Apricots can be eaten throughout pregnancy, except if you have an allergy. However, it is essential to consume in moderation, as with everything!

When should you drink it?

It's important to avoid trying to induce labor earlier than it is safe to have your baby. Although you might be eager to meet your baby and get out of your pregnant body, this is not the right time. However, they should be kept in the womb as long as possible. You should carry your baby until the age of 39 weeks, if at all possible.

A successful induction is also more likely when the body is already ready for labor. Both of these facts mean that women should wait to consume midwives' brew at full term. You may have cases in which your doctor wants to induce labor earlier than your due date. This is a medical decision, usually made with safety concerns in mind for both you and your baby.

If your doctor is going to perform a medical inducement before your due date, you need to discuss this with them. You should discuss with your doctor whether midwives brew is appropriate for you in these circumstances.

Is it really effective?

Although there are numerous anecdotal accounts of the success of midwives, there is not much research. Castor oil's scientific effectiveness can be confusing as there aren't many studies. The results also vary.

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There were 103 women over 40 weeks who were pregnant. Half were given castor oils and half were left untreated. Nearly 60 percent of castor oil-treated patients went into active labor within 24hrs. Castor oil-induced labor accounted for more than 80 percent of those who gave birth vaginally.

In 2009, a lower-than-expected conclusion was made about castor oil. It found that the oil's benefits are neither particularly useful nor harmful when inducing labor.

Castor oil has been shown to induce labor. However, the quality of some studies could make the findings questionable. It is also worth noting that castor oil caused nausea in all but one of the women who tried it. At the moment, the formal scientific verdict is out. More research is needed, especially concerning castor oil's ingredients.

Castor oil and midwives are effective in inducing labor. Results can usually be achieved in 24 hours. Castor oil was even found to increase the likelihood of post-term females entering labor in less than 12 hours. This was, according to a 2012 study—instant gratification.

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What are the alternatives to this terrible drink?

These alternatives are available if midwives don't offer brew. (Remember that these methods cannot guarantee labor to begin.

Exercise. Exercise is good for your heart. Think of long walks, climbing upstairs, and other activities. Membrane stripping. It is not something you would want to do at home. But, you can speak to your doctor about this option.

Spicy foods. However, there are not enough scientific studies to prove that it causes labor. This is not a good idea if spicy foods don't exist in your diet or if you have heartburn symptoms.

Acupressure. Acupressure is one of the many ways to induce labor. Acupuncture can also be used. Sex. It is safe. But it can be unsafe if the water is already broken. Ask your provider any questions.

Nipple stimulation. The hormones can be released through hand stimulation or via a pump. This will cause your uterus to contract and increase its size. Your provider should be consulted about the frequency and length of stimulation you are allowed to do.

Wait for natural labor to start. While it may seem impossible, if your mind is focused on something else, your body might decide it's the right time to go into labor.


Sometimes the last few days of pregnancy can feel like the whole 9 months. Midwives may offer a way to kickstart labor if you are tempted to travel.

However, before you decide it's time for your baby to come home, ensure your doctor or midwife agrees to this drink. Remember that even though these last days might seem complicated, your baby is coming soon.

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